Performance Exhausts: Email Support - Spam Investigations $27.50 Per Quarter Hour
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Spam Investigation
We will investigate your email settings and reported email issues to identify a cause and therefore a solution.
Select this item if you are
- Receiving lots more spam email than usual, or
- Your email is being blocked by your recipients as spam, or
- Someone is trying to email you but their email is being blocked or bounced
- Your outlook email is ending up in someones junk email or not being recieved at all
What We Do
Case 1: Receiving lots more spam than usual
- Causes - Your email password has been brute force hacked and is being used to send email out. Solution - Reset Email Password
- Solution Additional - Run antivirus and malware detection on your computers.
- Causes - Spammers are using your web forms
- Causes - Spammers are bypassing spam filters
Case 2: Your email is being blocked by your recipients as spam
- Check your IP address against IP Blacklist systems
- If it is advise on antivirus, malware, password changes
- Check SPF records and outgoing mail server settings being used.
Case 3: Someone is trying to email you but there address is being blocked
- Login to mail server
- Bring up a report of emails sent to you and view response codes to see what emails have been flagged as.
- Look for the individual who has been blocked
- Whitelist their IP address
General Time: 2 Units - AKA Half an hour.
Spam Investigation
We will investigate your email settings and reported email issues to identify a cause and therefore a solution.
Select this item if you are
- Receiving lots more spam email than usual, or
- Your email is being blocked by your recipients as spam, or
- Someone is trying to email you but their email is being blocked or bounced
- Your outlook email is ending up in someones junk email or not being recieved at all
What We Do
Case 1: Receiving lots more spam than usual
- Causes - Your email password has been brute force hacked and is being used to send email out. Solution - Reset Email Password
- Solution Additional - Run antivirus and malware detection on your computers.
- Causes - Spammers are using your web forms
- Causes - Spammers are bypassing spam filters
Case 2: Your email is being blocked by your recipients as spam
- Check your IP address against IP Blacklist systems
- If it is advise on antivirus, malware, password changes
- Check SPF records and outgoing mail server settings being used.
Case 3: Someone is trying to email you but there address is being blocked
- Login to mail server
- Bring up a report of emails sent to you and view response codes to see what emails have been flagged as.
- Look for the individual who has been blocked
- Whitelist their IP address
General Time: 2 Units - AKA Half an hour.
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Email Support - Spam Investigations $27.50 Per Quarter Hour
Email Support - Spam Investigations $27.50 Per Quarter Hour