Performance Exhausts: Microsite Horizontal Panels - Each With Targeted Content
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Microsite Horizontal Panels - Each With Targeted Content
A web site that scrolls will generally have defined sections where content is broken up into horizontal panels with different coloured backgrounds or images to give a visual indication that it is a new topic.
Generally, each panel is styled slightly differently with different imagery and text layouts, however still following a standardised format for consistency.
Panels can be layered in, added to the site and the order rearranged to create an appropriate flow of content.
In general 2 hours of time should be allocated to each panel based on up to 200 words and 1 graphic. The number of panels to start with can be changed to adjust your estimate.
Microsite Horizontal Panels - Each With Targeted Content
A web site that scrolls will generally have defined sections where content is broken up into horizontal panels with different coloured backgrounds or images to give a visual indication that it is a new topic.
Generally, each panel is styled slightly differently with different imagery and text layouts, however still following a standardised format for consistency.
Panels can be layered in, added to the site and the order rearranged to create an appropriate flow of content.
In general 2 hours of time should be allocated to each panel based on up to 200 words and 1 graphic. The number of panels to start with can be changed to adjust your estimate.
Microsite Horizontal Panels - Each With Targeted Content