Performance Exhausts: Product Promotional Marketing Stickers, Tags and Labels
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Product Promotional Marketing Stickers, Tags and Labels
Overlay transparent PNG images to promote specific products and catch the eye of the browser. They could be specials images, sold out, awards etc.
You can make the images and upload to a specific image folder then you simply select the image to be associated with each product.
Transparent PNG files can be made on nearly all graphic programs. Simple to use online programs like make it easy for non-designers to create their own.
GTP adds to the code in to show the images on your list product pages and show product pages.
Product Promotional Marketing Stickers, Tags and Labels
Overlay transparent PNG images to promote specific products and catch the eye of the browser. They could be specials images, sold out, awards etc.
You can make the images and upload to a specific image folder then you simply select the image to be associated with each product.
Transparent PNG files can be made on nearly all graphic programs. Simple to use online programs like make it easy for non-designers to create their own.
GTP adds to the code in to show the images on your list product pages and show product pages.
Product Promotional Marketing Stickers, Tags and Labels