Lancelin Accommodation
GTP iCommerce Pty Ltd tag line
GTP iCommerce Pty Ltd organisation
GTP iCommerce Pty Ltd
GTP iCommerce Pty Ltd
Mettams Mufflers Photo Ask for Accommodation

Travel to and Accommodation at Lancelin

"Catch-A-Bus" will pick you up from GTP iCommerce Pty Ltd, together with all your hire gear, and drive you to Lancelin for a very reasonable price in the Lancelin Lodge transport service.  We can arrange this for you at the same time as you book your hire gear.

Once at Lancelin, you can stay at the new budget travellers` resort of which is walking distance (just down the road) from the windsurfing and surfing beaches and close to town facilities. The resort offers double, twin and group rooms, free linen, recreation areas, a garden courtyard and BBQ. They also have secure storage facilities for all your windsurfing gear and trolleys to get to the beach. To book, email Trish and Trevor or telephone them on (+618) 96 55 2020.